Bluetooth scanner input in Local mode

Follow the steps below to connect a Bluetooth barcode scanner to the VTAP100-PRO-BW (becoming a Bluetooth scanner host).

  1. Save the following config settings into the config.txt to enable and configure the Bluetooth scanner input feature, in Local mode.

    Example: Enable and configure the Bluetooth scanner input in Local mode

    CloudMode=0             ; Switch the VTAP100 PRO to Local mode
    BTScannerMode=1         ; Enable the Bluetooth scanner input feature
    BTScannerOutput=k,c     ; Set the output interface where the 
                            ;   data should be sent. Here keyboard
                            ;   emulation (k) and COMport (c) are chosen.

    Also make sure that the ...Source setting for the output interface you are using has the 0x02 bit enabled. For instance, by default ComPortSource=A1, but for sending the data read from the Bluetooth input device you should set ComPortSource=A3.

  2. Set the input device in pairing/discovery mode.

  3. To verify a successful pairing, power cycle the VTAP100-PRO-BW and check the VCBOOT.txt file in a text editor on the VTAP PRO file system. (Alternatively, send a ?vcb command to the VTAP100-PRO-BW over a serial interface and see the VTAP response.)

    VCBOOT.TXT or the ?vcb response will contain a line with the syntax:
    Paired: <number of paired devices>,<names of the paired devices>.
    For instance Paired: 1,C barcode scanner.

  4. The VTAP100-PRO-BW is now ready to read any data coming from that paired Bluetooth input device, and send it over to the selected interface (set in BTScannerOutput).