Bluetooth BLE keyboard emulation in Local mode

To enable and use the Bluetooth BLE keyboard emulation feature in Local mode, follow the steps below:

  1. Find the config.txt in the VTAP file system and save the following settings into the file to enable and configure the BLE keyboard emulation feature.

    Example: Enable Bluetooth keyboard emulation in Local mode

    CloudMode=0          ; Switch the VTAP100 PRO to Local mode
    BTKeyboardMode=1     ; Enable the Bluetooth Keyboard emulation

    If mass storage is disabled on the VTAP100-PRO-BW, you could change those settings over a serial interface with Remote management commands.

  2. The VTAP100-PRO-BW will now appear as a BLE keyboard to nearby Bluetooth host devices, with the name <VTAP Serial number>, for example ‘CC123456'.

  3. As no PIN is defined, you can pair and connect to a host device (such as a mobile phone or a PC with Bluetooth) without any PIN.

  4. To rename and/or add a PIN to the VTAP100-PRO-BW Bluetooth connection, set the BTKeyboardName and BTKeyboardPIN as required.

    Example: Rename BLE keyboard and set PIN in Local mode

    BTKeyboardName=VTAP BTKeyboard    ; Max 15 character name
    BTKeyboardPIN=123456              ; 6 digit PIN

    Note:The BTKeyboardPIN must be a 6 digit PIN. If a PIN of fewer digits is set, it will be automatically padded with leading zeros to make a 6 digit pin (e.g. 1234 will be changed to 001234).

  5. You can extract a part of the pass payload over BLE keyboard emulation by using BTKeyboardPass… settings

  6. Prefix and postfix can be set using BTKeyboardPrefix and BTKeyboardPostfix. Max 16 characters can be set. URL encoding is supported

  7. By default the delay between each emulated keyboard press is set to 5ms, but you can change it using BTKeyboardDelayMS.

    Note: It is not recommended to use a BTKeyboardDelayMS of less than 5ms.