Software lock to prevent local firmware or configuration change
You can lock the VTAP reader so that its firmware and configuration cannot be changed. You can either do this in software, or simply disable the mass storage device in hardware. A Hardware lock to prevent firmware or configuration change would mean no files from the VTAP reader are visible.
A software lock will ensure you can still read boot.txt locally. You will still able to make changes to firmware or configuration over the command interface on any serial ports that have been enabled (including the USB virtual COM port), if you have the password.
Select the option you need help with, below:
Place a text file called lock.txt on to the VTAP reader mass storage device containing the lock command.
Example: Content of lock.txt to lock the VTAP reader and set a password for later unlocking
; this sets the password to "APa55word" and locks the VTAP reader -
When you save this file, and reboot or power cycle the VTAP reader, it will enable the software lock.
Note: The lock.txt file content is never visible in the VTAP reader file system and the password is hashed and stored securely in the VTAP reader. BOOT.TXT tells you that the software is locked.
Note: It may appear that you can edit config.txt and other files, despite a software lock in place, but these edits will be silently ignored by the VTAP reader and will be lost from the Windows cache on remount, reboot or power cycle.
Place another text file called lock.txt on to the VTAP reader mass storage device containing the unlock command.
Example: Content of lock.txt to unlock the VTAP reader
; this offers the password "APa55word" to unlock the VTAP reader -
If the password quoted matches the one used when setting the lock, when you reboot or power cycle the VTAP reader, it will be unlocked.