NDEF card or tag settings

A list of all valid configuration settings which relate only to extracting NDEF records from NFC cards or tags for the config.txt file. You may also need to use some of the general Card or tag settings alongside these.

The NDEFTagType4AID and NDEFTagType4AIDOnly settings allow you to decide which NFC ISO application IDs (AIDs) should be tried when attempting to read NFCForum NDEF data from a Type4 card/tag (with NFCType4=N):

  • The default behaviour is to try to select the NDEF‑Tag application AID (D2760000850101h) as defined by the NFC Forum, but if NDEFTagType4AID is set then this AID will be tried first, in preference to the default.

  • If the NDEFTagType4AID is not found, the VTAP will then try the default NDEF‑Tag application AID.

This behaviour can be overridden by setting NDEFTagType4AIDOnly=1, so the VTAP will not attempt to use the default NDEFTag application AID, after failing to select the specified NDEFTagType4AID.


Read only NDEF records of one type, such as type T (text). The output will be the payload of the first matching NDEF record found (by searching the NDEF records recursively). Where nothing is found that matches the constraints set, nothing will be output. If no constraints are set, all NFC data content will be output.


=T for text records (or omit setting). Only useful if you have set NFCType2=N, NFCType3=N or NFCType4=N.
=U to extract a URI from the data
=<MyTagType> using the code defined to select a proprietary NDEF record type definition (RTD)

Default value: N/A
Example value: =T

Read only NDEF records with a particular ID, such as 'name'. The output will be the payload of the first matching NDEF record found (by searching the NDEF records recursively). Where nothing is found that matches the constraints set, nothing will be output. If no constraints are set, all NFC data content will be output.


=name or omit setting.

Only useful if you have set NFCType2=N, NFCType3=N or NFCType4=N.

Default value: N/A
Example value: =name

Allows you to set a preferred AID to try when reading an NDEF Type 4 record.


The AID set here will be tried before trying the two standard NFC Forum application IDs (d2760000850101 followed by d2760000850100). The standard AIDs are always tried when this setting is not used.

Default value: N/A
Example value: =f1234567890abcd

Allows you to restrict the VTAP reader to only use the AID provided as the NDEFTagType4AID setting.


=1 will prevent the VTAP reader from trying the standard NFC Forum application IDs (d2760000850101 followed by d2760000850100), so that only the value set for NDEFTagType4AID will be tried.
=0 allows those standard AIDs to be tried if NDEFTagType4AID is not successful.

Default value: =0
Example value: =1