Commands for VTAP PRO in Local mode
This section lists additional dynamic commands to send over a Command Interface to the VTAP100-PRO in Local mode, either using a virtual COM port or serial port, or using a program such as TeraTerm or PuTTY-nd for instance.
You may also want to use commands in Dynamic configuration commands, Remote management commands and Data request commands.
The commands included here can be used when the VTAP100-PRO is in Local mode.
Note: The optional VTAP100 PRO I/O expansion board (VTAP100-PRO-EXP1) is required to use ?input and ?relay commands.
Commands below:
?input | ?relay | ?vcb
Reads the current state of the input to the VTAP100-PRO in Local mode as either open or closed. (There is only one input.)
API level: 0
Syntax is ?input 0 [notify=open|1|close|0|any|none]
0 is the input number for future expansion (may be omitted)
The response to the command will be the current state of the input as either 1 (open) or 0 (closed) or FAIL (if the input number is not valid or the hardware does not have inputs).
The optional notify parameter controls whether input changes should be recorded, for return as bit 16 in response to an ?events command.
notify=open or =1 an event is recorded on changing the input from 0 to 1 (closed to open);
notify=close or =0 an event is recorded on changing the input from 1 to 0 (open to closed);
notify=any an event is recorded for any change of input;
notify=none an event is never recorded as a result of an input change.
Default value: N/A
Example value:
?input 0
?input 0 notify=open
Controls either of the two relays on the VTAP100-PRO in Local mode
API level: 0
Syntax required is:
?relay <relay_num> <action>[=param1[,param2][…]] [action[=params]]
<relay_num> is currently either 0 or 1 to refer to the two available relays
<action> can be one or more in a series of actions, as required, each separated by a space.
Actions can be one of:
delay=<time in ms>
If the off time is not specified, the on time is used. If the count is not specified, 1 is used.
Delay is in milliseconds but can specify time in seconds or minutes with 's' or 'm'.
Default value: N/A
Example value:
?relay 0 on
;Switch ON relay 0
?relay 1 delay=60000 on
;Switch ON relay 1 after 60s (60000ms)
?relay 0 timed=100,200,2
;Switch ON relay 0 twice for 100ms, with OFF interval 200ms
?relay 0 on delay=100 off delay=200 on delay=100 off
;Same result as previous example
?relay 0 on delay=5m timed=10s,20s,3
;Switch ON relay 0 after 5 mins, repeat 3 times 10s ON, 20s OFF
Reads VTAP Cloud boot information including paired device names
API level: 0
Returns VCBOOT.TXT data
Default value:
Example value: ?vcb