Set data to be sent from the VTAP in card emulation mode

You can specify the NDEF record that you want the VTAP reader to send when it is in card emulation mode.

There are two different types of NDEF record that the VTAP supports: TEXT and URI.

Use the RAW keyword to format any other required NDEF type, by supplying the hex byte values of the NDEF data.

As an alternative to specifying the NDEF data within the config.txt file, it can be provided in a separate file in the VTAP file system. This is specified by name using the FILE keyword.

The dynamic command for setting the card emulation data over a serial interface is ?card. This is used as shown in the following examples:

  • ?card TEXT,Hello World! or ?card T,Hello World! to send an NDEF text record such as 'Hello World!'

  • ?card URI, or ?card U, to send the URL

  • ?card RAW,D101055402656e4869 or ?card R,D101055402656e4869 to send raw NDEF data D101055402656e4869

  • ?card FILE,tagdata.txt or ?card F,tagdata.txt to point to a file in the VTAP file system, here tagdata.txt, which contains the NDEF data.

Note: The NDEF types 'TEXT’, ‘URI’, ‘RAW’ and ‘FILE’ are not case sensitive in any of these commands. So, for example, ‘text’ or ‘t’ can be used instead of 'TEXT' or 'T'.