VTAP100 only - earlier release notes

The changes in more recent firmware, from release v2.1.10.2 (July 2022) onwards, are detailed in VTAP Firmware Release Notes


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.12.4 (March 2023) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Add support for filtering of random UIDs - A new IgnoreRandomUID setting can be used to filter out NFC Type 4 tag reads which are flagged as random, and which can be associated with display-off devices such as Android phones rather than physical cards.


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.12.1 (October 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Added support for reading UIDs from NFC Forum Type 5 cards - UID can be read with the NFCType5=U setting.

  • Startup delay of 1 second implemented - the default value of StartupDelayMS is now 1000ms to ensure reliable startup in all conditions.

  • Extra support for Wiegand inputs - use WiegandInputEnable to enable or disable the signals driving red/green LED and/or buzzer.


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.11.0 (August 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Improved handling of long command strings over serial

  • Additional test and diagnostic commands


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.10.2 (July 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Added support for NDEF data on FeliCa NFC Type 3 tags - data can be read and decoded with the NFCType3=N setting.

  • Support for latest Google SmartTap generic pass type - to escape the confines of the basic Google SmartTap use cases.


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.10.0 (July 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Added support for DESFire 3DES authentication - a new setting DESFireCrypto=1 has been added.

  • Enhanced support for sending ASCII card and tag data over Wiegand - a new setting TagWiegandASCIIFormat to manipulate ASCII card data as either decimal or hex data.


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.9.1 (June 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Improved Zmodem file transfer - a VTAP firmware update is now five times faster, typically 30 seconds at 115200 baud over RS-485.

  • All serial communications interfaces enabled by default - ensures that serial communications are always possible even if the configuration file config.txt is missing or damaged.

  • Uploading key files improved - key files are only consumed at startup or when a ?k command is sent over a serial interface. The ?k command unmounts the USB mass storage to force a directory refresh.


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.8.0 (May 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Padding pass data to match format expected by legacy systems - can now use TagReadMinDigits settings to automatically add padding digits to deliver a 32bit or 56bit decimal UID.


In summary, the changes in release v1.1.7.0 (April 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Added support for 64 bit decimal decoding of UID or block data - where the previous limit was 32 bit.

  • Enhanced UID formatting - can now use TagReadOffset and TagReadLength settings to truncate or choose part of a UID.


The changes in release v1.1.6.0 (March 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Facility to automatically search for the correct private key with Apple passes - by setting VAS#KeySlot=0 the VTAP100 will find and use the correct key, if present in its key store.

  • New features to dynamically enable and disable different/multiple pass types - the VASDefaultPassesEnabled or STDefaultPassesEnabled setting allows the user to include up to six Apple and Google passes in the configuration file, select a sub-set that will work at start-up, and then send commands over the serial interface to dynamically change which of those passes it will try to read. This depends on Apple and Google operating/UI restrictions.

  • New power management feature - use the NFCDefaultEnable setting and ?NFC serial command to dynamically enable/disable the NFC reader/field of the VTAP100.

  • Changes to default serial command settings - including COMPortEnable, COMPortMode, SerialMode, Serial2Mode and CommandInterfaces to enable all ports and interfaces by default. This mitigates the risk of a user being unable to connect to their unit if the config is lost.

  • Command to retrieve public key hash - using ?h will return public key data which can help the user confirm which keys have been uploaded.


The changes in release v1.1.4.0 (February 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Support for reading DESFire secure data - added facility to read DESFire EV1 AES secure data using the setting NFCType4=D. This includes the ability to upload up to 4 application keys as appkey#.txt files and a set of new related configuration settings prefixed DESFire... The function either decode the 26bit format used by Dot Origin's Key-ID Encoder software, or can return the file data with no format decoding.


The changes in release v1.1.3.0 (January 2022) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Multiple data reading options for each card/tag type - There is a priority order for reading data types: 1. mobile pass, 2. DESFire secure, 3. Block data, 4. NDEF then 5. UID. You can now choose that if, for instance, reading an NDEF records fails, a UID can be returned.


The changes in release v1.1.2.1 (November 2021) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Changing configuration over serial interfaces - added a command to send any valid configuration setting over a serial command interface.


The changes in release v1.1.1.0 (September 2021) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Support for RS-485 expansion board - added RS-485 support via the serial expansion interface to support new hardware options.

  • Improved operation with external power supplies - added StartupDelayMS setting to delay completion of the startup process as a way to avoid potential file system corruption issues.

  • Passive interfaces enabled from start up - added a facility to start any interface in passive mode at start up using the PassiveInterfaces setting.

  • Improved UID manipulation - added TagByteOrder setting to reverse tag/card UID or block data byte order.

  • Hardware and software locks - the action of the hardware lock jumper has changed so that the VTAP100 configuration is not fully locked by use of the jumper. Instead, the VTAP100 will no longer be detected as a USB mass storage device, so that its configuration cannot be easily viewed or changed but can still be altered over its serial interfaces. The boot.txt message now reports whether both the hardware and/or software locks are set.

  • LED changes - a new LEDSelect setting allows you to choose which LEDs are enabled, to suit both the VTAP100 square case and compact case alternatives.


The changes in release v1.1.0.0 (May 2021) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Command interface - set one or more VTAP100 config.txt options remotely, or retrieve the current settings. You do this by sending commands over any serial interface. Use $<option>=<value> to set a command or %<option> to read a current setting.

  • Transfer files using Zmodem - replace entire files in the VTAP100 remotely, using the Zmodem file transfer protocol. This can be used for updating firmware, loading private key files, updating config.txt or command.txt. Send files over any serial interface, using the command !<filename>.

  • Send messages from one interface to another - send virtual pass or tag payload information to the keyboard, Wiegand, COMPort or other serial interface. Use the syntax >interface:type:message. Use prefix and postfix options available on all interfaces to adjust that payload when needed.

  • Greater control over LED and buzzer - trigger LED and buzzer actions remotely, by sending ?LED or ?BEEP commands over any serial interface. You can also set the LED to flash a specific RGB colour.

  • Software lock and unlock - lock or unlock the software remotely with a password, by sending commands over any serial interface. When the VTAP100 is locked, nothing can be read from or written to the file system. Use the commands ?l or ?u.

  • NDEF reading/decoding for NFC Type 4 tags - in addition to the Type 2 tags already supported.


The changes in release v1.0.4.0 (January 2021) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Additional tag/card decoding - use the MIFAREClassic option to choose whether to read MIFARE tag/card UIDs or memory. Use a set of new commands prefixed TagRead... to identify which blocks to read, and set any key needed to decode these payloads on MIFARE Classic or NFC tags/cards.

  • Identification of type of pass or tag/card read - the type can be identified as an Apple VAS pass, Google Smart Tap pass, NFC Forum type 1, 2, 3 or 4 , or MIFARE Classic. The type of the last pass read can be queried over the COMport interface, and can be included with the pass data sent over the Wiegand interface.

  • Additional options for controlling the Wiegand interface - new commands prefixed PassWiegand... or TagWiegand... to specify numbers of bits to output over the Wiegand interface, add padding in lieu of parity bits, or interpret the pass payload as a decimal or hexadecimal number.


The changes in release v1.0.3.0 (September 2020) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Extra options for extracting NFC card/tag data - use options prefixed NDEFTag... to extract only text records or to extract named items.


The changes in release v1.0.2.0 (August 2020) for VTAP100 only were:

  • Additional options for controlling the Wiegand and Serial interfaces - new commands added to identify which data to read and send over these interfaces. And the WiegandStartup command to define data to be sent on startup, before any pass reading.